Media Extended

Media Extended

The Media Extended plugin for Obsidian lets you play and take notes on videos inside of Obsidian with timestamps!

This works best when combined with the Templater extension to allow you to jump to the end of the inserted link.


Timestamp Template:


This inserts the current timestamp, and adds a new templater cursor location.



Used to open a video from a link in a new pane

Media Extended: Get Timestamp From Player


Insert the Timestamp Template.

Templater: Jump to Next Cursor Location


Jump to the end of the timestamp.


Open a video from a link with Ctrl-o

Insert a bullet into your notes (-)

While watching the video take a new note with Ctrl-j Ctrl-k

For example:

06:13 This is a note from 6:13 in the video from Bryan Jenks describing this workflow.


Can this be extended to work with PDFs / Epubs? to take notes with locations from those?